Comments on: JetBlue ESA Travel Letter Fact Sheet
Emotional Support Animal LettersThu, 13 Oct 2022 23:08:52 +0000
By: Nicola Eisel
Mon, 22 Oct 2018 23:48:28 +0000 am relocating back to the UK. My cat has to fly Cargo even with an esa letter. ONLY Service dogs are allowed in the cabin?I am an emotional wreck and have been on medication for many years, hospitalized etc…I had a flight booked with AA and was just called by an AA representative to inform me my cat cannot fly into Manchester EVEN in cargo?This was just six days ago! My flight was on the 24th this month? Now I am a nervous wreck cannot sleep, have to pay for another health certificate and the weather is getting bad ,this could prevent her from flying all together! I have to pay an agent apparently to assist which is at least $1500 and I can’t afford it.. I had booked the flight in September and spoke on the phone 3 times before departure being ensured everything was in order? Iam headed for a nervous breakdown and don’t want to end up back in the hospital! I’m lost…Also the Airlines are more than aware that people are acquiring the letters online and obviously know many names that are related to the website…The flight just for me now is $2000..My life is upside down…